Your children deserve to have a happy, healthy smile. Luckily, pediatric dentistry offers a way to keep your child’s smile healthy as they develop in their early years. Pediatric dentistry has much to offer for young smiles and is happy to help keep their smile healthy. Our dentists, Drs. Okediji, Bram, and Danesh with Magnificent Mile Family Dental in Chicago,... read more »
Making dental crowns is a fascinating yet time-intensive service. We love educating our patients about dental topics, so we’ve put together this information for you to help you as you learn about how dental crowns are created. Please tell us if you have any extra inquiries about how dental crowns are created. The process of fashioning dental crowns starts in... read more »
The holiday season has come around once more. However, although you can enjoy yourself without going overboard, make sure you are exercising practicality to ensure your mouth remains safe throughout the holidays. This includes limiting snacks, avoiding sugars, and not biting into overly hard treats. Tricks and treats are abound this time of year, so don't get tricked by a... read more »
We all know that children often lose their baby teeth. But, did you know that a child’s oral health and those baby teeth are important too? The early years can set up your child’s oral health as they age, which is one of the many reasons to bring a child to a professional pediatric dentist. Here at Magnificent Mile Family... read more »
Many people feel overwhelmed and nervous when they have to restore a tooth with endodontic therapy, which is also known as root canal therapy. If you’re one of these people, Dr. Olaitan Okediji-Registe and our dental team are happy to help you. Usually, those feelings come from not knowing the process involved with endodontic therapy or from not knowing what... read more »
Your dental bridge is strong and reliable, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take good care of it. In fact, you need to take care of it on a regular basis to keep it in tip-top shape for many years. So, to help you keep your dental bridge in pristine condition, our Magnificent Mile Family Dental dental team encourages you... read more »
You know that brushing and flossing your teeth are both important, but do you know which should come first? Would you be surprised to learn that the order doesn’t really matter? In reality, it’s far more important that you brush and floss properly. As you may know, you should brush twice a day—but did you know that you should remember... read more »
At Magnificent Mile Family Dental, the practice of Dr. Olaitan Okediji in Chicago, Illinois, we are pleased to offer mercury-free fillings for our patients' healthy smiles. Amalgam fillings, or mercury fillings, consist of a combination of silver, tin, copper, zinc and mercury. Because amalgam fillings have mercury in them, they release small amounts of mercury into your body which may be... read more »
If your tooth chips, falls out, or has an extreme, persistent ache, then you have a dental emergency on your hands. Seeing your dentist as soon as possible (or going to the emergency room if the dentist’s office is closed) is what you need to do. What To Do If You Have A Dental Emergency While you are waiting to... read more »