Have you ever thought that sharing or borrowing a toothbrush is probably harmless, especially if you rinse the brush off first? In reality, though, you shouldn’t share your toothbrush or ever let anyone else use your brush. As you may know, everyone has different bacteria in their mouth. Toothbrushes can actually harbor bad bacteria, and if you share a toothbrush,... read more »
You know that brushing and flossing your teeth are both important, but do you know which should come first? Would you be surprised to learn that the order doesn’t really matter? In reality, it’s far more important that you brush and floss properly. As you may know, you should brush twice a day—but did you know that you should remember... read more »
We all can get caught up in our lives without thinking about what is best for our health. The same is true when it comes to oral health. That is why our team is here to discuss five habits and tips that will help you keep your smile in pristine health. These five tips include: 1. Teeth are not tools:... read more »