Over 50 years ago, the only dental care was taken care of was the after care. This usually ended with many dental problems due to the fact no one was taking any preventative care, so most dentists ended up treating problems after they had already begun. People finally started figuring out they had better set up a dental exam system... read more »
Are you aware of the properties that sugarless chewing gum has? Although chewing gum is not an ideal or well-known form of oral health care, it does have its benefits. Listed below are important advantages that sugarless chewing gum can provide: Saliva Flow: - Sugarless chewing gum helps promote saliva flow, which has known properties of fighting off diseases and... read more »
Have you ever thought that sharing or borrowing a toothbrush is probably harmless, especially if you rinse the brush off first? In reality, though, you shouldn’t share your toothbrush or ever let anyone else use your brush. As you may know, everyone has different bacteria in their mouth. Toothbrushes can actually harbor bad bacteria, and if you share a toothbrush,... read more »
Cavities are tooth decay that chews a hole in your tooth enamel, the outer layer of your teeth. If you don’t brush and floss consistently, a sticky film of bacteria, called plaque, can form on your teeth. These bacteria make acid that eats at your teeth from the sugars you eat. There are many things you can do to help... read more »